Sunday, August 16, 2009

Growing up so fast...

You always here people talk about how fast kids grow up, and in my line of work I have definately seen and felt this, considering that some of my students have now graduated college, and some have come back to work as my staff. Its just crazy how fast time flies, but now that I have my own child, I can say its going by even faster. Each everyday she changes and matures in so many ways. These pics I took this weekend were just on the spur of the moment after she has just woken up, but she just looked older, wiser... from even just the day before... but with every passing day I think I am more and more in love with her...

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Nothing but a Bow :)

PaPa Murf came by to visit the other day and recommended i take some naked shots of Callie Grace before she gets too big... so today she was in a good mood so I decided to go for it, I love how they turned out, I think she likes the camera, haha.. so here she is, 5 months old and nothing but a bow :)

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Rolling over and going places..

Here is Callie Grace rolling over... she hardly stays still for long on the floor anymore, she is determined to go places.. !!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Picking Tomatoes and Enjoying our Swing

Callie Grace and I had a great weekend last weekend when MaMa Hope came and stayed with us. PaPa Murf was visiting Joe and Courtney and delivering books, so MaMa Hope stayed with us. We had lots of fun yard saling as normal on a Saturday morning. We then went shopping for Callie Grace a swing to hang in the yard. Its the perfect thing for her since her two favorite things are her swing inside, and the fact that she LOVES being outside and looking at trees. Mom found her this pink one,which she thought was perfect ofcourse. Callie loved it as you can tell. I also decided to let her pick her first tomatoes off my plants. They are cherry tomatoes so just the right size for her. I then let her taste the juice of the tomato, it was cute. Ma Ma Hope is wanting her to be a gardener already.

5 Months Old...

I am so sorry its been so long since I have updated the blog... summers are always so crazy at work, i feel like i lost touch with everything... so let me see what I need to update everyone on... Callie Grace is now 5 months old! I cannot believe how fast time has flown by... Her major milestones now are rolling over, trying to sit up ( she is just too long, poor thing, such a long spine to try and balance, haha) She is eating baby food for breakfast and dinner and LOVES it. Her first tooth is still fighting its way through along with another one, so that has not at all been fun!! Otherwise, she is such a happy baby, she smiles constantly! MaMa Hope put her a swing up in the yard and she thinks that is the most fun! she just laughs and giggles... I will put up some more recent pictures below... love you all